Business Intelligence
Business Inteligence
EES Data Solutions offers a range of services to afford your business the necessary flexibility to achieve your ambitions. Each service can be used independently or in conjunction with our other services Data UX and Advanced Analytics.
Business intelligence refers to a range of processes that identify and compile your data so it can be analysed, interpreted, and displayed in a meaningful way. It is continuously evolving in line with business needs and technology.
We identify current trends to keep ourselves and users up-to-date on innovations.
The Business Intelligence processes
Data mining
Uncovering trends within large datasets through a combination of databases, statistics, and machine learning
Data preparation
Bringing together the multiple data sources in a sensible structure to prepare it for data analysis
Descriptive analytics
Determine what happened through the examination of data and events
Statistical analysis
Identifying what the data can tell about the ‘how’ and ‘why’
Performance metrics
Tracking data against goals (typically via customised dashboards)
Comparing current performance to historical data
Sharing the results of the data analysis with relevant stakeholders
Data visualisation
Transforming the data analysis in easily understood and visually pleasing graphics
Visual analysis
Exploring data through visual storytelling
When you have fully utilised modern business intelligence, you will be able to make data-driven decisions to eliminate process inefficiencies, improve profitability, and become more agile in your ability to respond to market forces.